CRM Automations – New Feature
FitSW is excited to bring you a new tool to truly unlock your personal training business. This will help you in turning your potential (prospect) clients into actual paying clients. This newest tool in our Client Relationship Management side of our software is CRM Automations! What are CRM automations? Well, we are glad that you asked!
Here is a brief video that walks you through what CRM automations are.
Why CRM Automations
This article will avoid repeating the same things that the video explained. We will instead focus on what automations can do for your business. Firstly, why did we make this feature?
We built Automations to automate (i.e. do the work for you) the process of making a non-client a client. Say you have a person express some interest in training with you, you can add them as a “prospect client”. You can give them a login and allow them to access certain info on the mobile app. All of this can be done through the “Growth” menu, and they won’t even count against your client total!
Now, when you add them, you can also assign them an automation that includes a multi-day sample of one of one of your programs (a set of workouts). You can also add to the automation some messages. One message on the first day to introduce your sample program, and one on the last day to check in and see how it all went. This saves you from having to do all of this legwork yourself, and can be done with a simple click of a button!
How to Use CRM Automations
Next up is how we suggest using automations, here are the steps that we suggest to be successful with using automations:
1) Identify Potential Client Categories
First, we suggest making a few, high quality automations that line up with the main style of client that you’re likely to bring on. Here are a few potential client categories:
- Women in their postpartum period
- Athletes recovering from an injury
- Weight loss clients
- General strength and conditioning
The list could go on and on, the point is to identify who you are likely to be reaching. If you are stuck, try looking at the clientele that you already have and bunch them into a few different categories.
2) Plan Your Automation
This step is all about predicting the needs and desires of your potential clients. The main goal of an automation is to get a prospective client to become an actual paying client. So for each of your categories from step 1, think of what would convince them to hire you.
Let’s do this with a client who is trying to lose weight. First, you probably don’t want to give them your hardest workout and will want to make sure that they are feeling motivated and supported. This is especially true at the beginning of their journey. Specifically, they may benefit from a few days of simple and easy-medium level workouts to complete and some inspirational videos to motivate them. In that case, you might start with a week program with a workout every 2-3 days. Then you add a motivational on-demand video before each one that you recorded so that they can see that you’ll walk with them. That would look something like this:

Note: We chose to use programs. If that’s something you aren’t familiar with you can view a guide here. Alternatively, you can also just add workouts, nutrition, or tasks directly to the automation.
You can customize this as much as you want to! In fact, it might be useful to add in a few automated messages as well. You could check in with them throughout the week and at the end to get their thoughts so far. It’s completely up to you!
3) Assign Automations to Your Clients
Automations are perfect whether you need to look for, or already have some prospective clients. The final step is to assign the appropriate automation. After that they will start to see all the different workouts, videos, and messages popping up right on their dashboard in order to keep things simple! One of our next steps in our software is for you as the trainer to specify an automation to be assigned automatically to a client. Keep an eye out for another blog post about that one in the near future!
We are excited for our trainers to be able to take the next step with their businesses through the use of our new CRM Automations feature to help with client relationship management! Get started today with building out automations that will reduce your workload. We are always working to help you get more time doing the actual training that you love! As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to us at