Fitness Coach Client Tracker Dashboard for Mobile Apps
Recently, we improved our mobile app Workout, Tasks and Diet Client lists by adding a fitness coach client tracker dashboard on each of these pages. This is similar to the update we recently added on our web application at We discuss that client tracker dashboard on the web app here. We have added this feature to both our iOS and Android apps.

Tracking Workout Completion with Fitness Coach Client Tracker
This new tracker dashboard shows the percentage of workouts that each client has completed. In addition, it also shows the percentage of workouts that have been marked as “Not Met” along with workouts that are “Open”. In parenthesis, next to each percentage, is the number of workouts for each category. This client tracking dashboard provides personal trainers with an easy way to keep tabs on their client and see how they are doing at a high level. As always, the personal trainer or fitness coach can tap on the clients name and see specific workout details.
Tracking Diet Completion and Task & Goal Completion
We also added this fitness coach client tracker dashboard to the Tasks Client List. Similarly we added it to the Diet Client List screen as well. It displays the same completion bar graphs along with percentages and number counts for both Tasks and Diets.

Marking Workouts, Tasks, and Diets Complete
Marking workouts, tasks and diets as “Complete” or “Not Met” is still done the same way. All you need to do is swipe left on the particular workout (or diet or task) while viewing the Workout list. This will display a menu to the right where you can update the classification. This post describes marking workouts, tasks and diets as “Complete” or “Not Met”.
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