InBody Integration with FitSW Progress Graphs
FitSW has now released an InBody Integration! So when your members step on the InBody scale, the InBody records information that FitSW then automatically downloads right into the FitSW app. Neither you nor your clients have to do a thing. FitSW will automatically display this information in the progress graphs tab, for you and your clients to see. FitSW already integrates with Apple Health and Google Fit – now here is another way to automatically bring in data.
What is an InBody System
For those of you who don’t know what an InBody system is, it’s an advanced scale-looking device. It is a non-invasive body composition analyzer that you step on to allow it to take measurements like weight, body composition, hydration, and more. A few of our larger studio and gym customers utilize them to record the data of their clients. The client just steps on the InBody, the system does a ~30-second analysis, and their data is recorded.

What Data Will You See
Tracking client progress is an important activity that keeps clients motivated and gives their fitness coach insights. With FitSW’s InBody integration, the results of the InBody analysis are not only saved by the InBody machine. The FitSW app will also automatically download all of this data. Neither the trainer nor the client has to do anything. Both the trainer and client can view these results in the Progress Graphs section of the app. This FitSW InBody integration makes it easy to keep all fitness information and data in one central location – the FitSW app! There, the trainer or client can access it anytime they need to.

How Do I Set Up InBody Integration
If you have an InBody device at your studio or gym, it’s extremely easy to get the InBody integration with FitSW setup. Just reach out to FitSW support and we will set you up. We will just need your API key and will need to set up a few configuration items. We also allow you to choose which InBody metrics you want FitSW to download into our Progress Graphs. It is all up to you. The setup takes just a few hours, and then FitSW will start downloading your clients’ data into the app for them to monitor over time. It’s a great way to show them, their progress and keep them motivated.