New Client Exercise Program Template
Creating programming for clients takes time. In order to make it easier, FitSW has now added a client exercise program template to give you a head start. Well, make that several templates. The Programs feature is extremely helpful because it lets you build a multi-week program one time. Then, you can assign that same program to different clients starting on whatever days you would like. You can then customize the program after assigning it, in order to tailor it for a specific client. This saves you time because you do not have to start from scratch every time. You have a program already built that you can tailor to different clients.
Well, we have now created program templates as a starting point that makes your life as a personal trainer, easier. Our resident personal trainer built these program templates to help clients meet specific goals. You can use them as is or you can modify them as needed. Either way, they will be helpful as a starting point for you. You can access these new Program Templates from the Programs page on the website. Simply click the “Use Program Template” button seen below.

Copy Program Template to Your Program Library
Once you click the “Use Program Template” button, you will see the list of program templates available. You can see a quick preview of the program by clicking “View Details” or you can just click the copy button to copy directly to your Program library. Once you copy the client exercise program template to your library, you can do whatever you want with it. You can assign it to your clients, you can edit it, or you can create another copy to customize. Once in your library, you can access the client exercise program template from anywhere – even through our iOS app for personal trainers and our Android app for personal trainers.
Program Templates Available
We have created 5 program templates to help you, with more on the way soon. First, is an 8-week Mass-building program with 4 days per week. The rest are 12-week programs that our trainer tailored for Fat Loss or Muscle Gain and for males and females. Each program contains all the workouts needed complete with exercises and their demonstration videos.
They also include Tasks reminding clients to update progress metrics and take progress photos at specific times through the program. Finally, each program also includes a “Welcome” automated message that is meant to motivate clients as well as an automated message that congratulates them on their first week. It’s easy to add more of these automated messages or remove them completely once the program is in your library.

If there are additional programs you would like us to import into the program templates, please let us know. We are planning on adding several more. Here is an example of a new client exercise program template we have added (part of it).

New Client Workout Templates
Since there are many new workouts that make up these programs, we have added these to our Workout Templates library as well. If you copy one of these Programs to your Program Library, all of its workouts will copy over to your Favorite Workouts. If you then modify the particular Favorite Workout that corresponds to a specific Program workout, it will also be modified in the program. This makes it easy for you to tailor the program workouts to fit your clients.
If you have not copied a Program Template over to your program library, you still can access all of these new Favorite Workouts through the “Templates” button seen below.

This will bring up a list of all the Workout Templates we have created for you. Again, you are free to copy them to your Workout Favorites and use them as is or edit them as needed. Below is a list of just some of the templates.

We have also added some Templates for tasks that you can access the same way. Nutrition events templates are coming soon. Let us know if there are any that you would like us to add.