New Personal Trainer Scheduling Calendar Released
New Personal Trainer Scheduling Calendar Released
Back in August, we released a beta version of the new personal trainer scheduling calendar as described here. We also have a demo video of the scheduling calendar. After a few months of your use, feedback, and our improvements we have released this as our main scheduling calendar.
New Personal Trainer Scheduling Calendar Improvements
This new scheduler added several new features over our old calendar including:
- Clients can now see their own calendar which can have their workouts, diets, and appointments with trainer on it.
- If the trainer enables it, the Client can also see available times on their trainer’s schedule. This enables them to know when they can request an appointment. The trainer can then approve or decline the appointment. It will then be saved on both the client’s and trainer’s calendar.
- Day, Week, and month views are available
- It is easy to create repeating or recurring appointments at many different intervals. You can specify events to repeat daily, weekly, or every X number of days. Trainers can also specify how long you would like an event to repeat. You can set it to repeat forever, for a month, or not at all. With all these features, it is simple to do things like quickly create a repeating Workout Appointment Every Tuesday and Saturday, Create a Diet Event that repeats every 4 days, etc.
Personal Trainer Scheduling Calendar Updates since the Beta Release
Since the above released in August we have also added several improvements. Here are just a few of those:
- Personal Trainers can now specify email schedule reminders for the appointments on their calendar. Client will then automatically receive a notification email a specified number of hours before the appointment / event.
- In the Workout Creator, personal trainers can now easily add a workout to the scheduling calendar. All they need to do is just click a checkbox.
- Improved calendar resolution – you can schedule personal trainer appointments any time at any 15 minute increment.
- Overlapping appointments – You can now create overlapping appointments if you need to.

Give the new calendar a try at and let us know your feedback.
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