Personal Trainer Payment Tracker Update
Personal Trainer Payment Tracker Update
We have updated our personal trainer payment tracker screen. FitSW has had the ability for clients to pay their personal trainers for quite some time. Tracking payments was somewhat difficult though. It was previously done by clicking Your Payment Dashboard, which is powered by Stripe (the payment processing company that we use). You would be redirected to a screen that would show the recent payouts, the last 4 digits of the credit card number, and the date of the payout. For more info, see our previous post on how to accept payments from you personal training clients.
We have recently updated our personal trainer payment tracker on both our website and mobile app. This means that you now have the ability to see all the details of your clients payments. In addition, you will be able to see the client’s name that made the payment and have a payment ID for a specific payment.
Personal Trainer Payment Tracker Update – Website View
View for Personal Trainers

Above and below you will see the new and improved personal trainer payment tracker screens. In the previous version, the personal trainer did not have a tracker – they could only see payouts by going to their Stripe page. With the new update, you can view all the information about payments right from the website or mobile app. This is includes a brand new payment ID, the date of the payment, the clients name, and the amount that the personal trainer received. However, you still have the option to go to Your Payment Dashboard, but all the information on specific payments is on our payments screen now.

Personal Trainer View – Updated Payments Screen (no text at top)
Client’s View

Above is the view for clients on the new updated personal trainer payment tracker screen. It is almost identical to the personal trainers view, except for 2 distinct differences. First of all, there is no View Payments Dashboard option for clients. Secondly, they only have 3 columns on the personal trainer payment tracker, instead of 4 like their personal trainer has since all payments are only from this client. There doesn’t need to be a “Client Column”. Clients still have an option to pay their trainers at the top of their payments screen.
Personal Trainer Payment Tracker Update – Mobile App View
View For Personal Trainers

This is the view of the new personal trainer payment tracker screen on a mobile device for personal trainers. It has all of the same functionality and feature of the website version. Not included in the picture is the text at the top of the about the payment dashboard.
Client’s View

Client View – Financials Screen
This is the view of the new personal trainer payment tracker screen on a mobile device for clients. Most noteworthy, it has all of the same functionality and feature of the website version. Client’s can easily pay their personal trainers from this screen. In addition, they can view all of the payments that have made in the past.
Pay From My Trainer Page
Personal Trainers can also receive payments from their My Trainer page for clients without a FitSW account. If the client has a FitSW client account they should not pay here. Instead, they should login and go to the Payments tab to make a payment. That way, clients can track their payments on that page. In contrast, the payment feature on the trainer page is for clients who don’t have an account. Furthermore, this page allows them to enter their name so their trainer will know who the payment is from.

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