Personal Trainer Profile Page To Share with Potential Clients
Personal Trainer Profile Page
Recently we talked about how to update or create your Personalized Personal Trainer Web Page in our mobile apps. Now we have updated and simplified the way personal trainers can update this personal trainer profile page at The two main updates are:
- Removed the old link for “My Page” and instead integrated the fields from that page into the “Profile” page.
- Created a separate “Settings” page where we put Automated Email Settings and Client Permissions Settings.
We have made it easy to update both of these pages by making the site automatically save information as you enter it.
Profile Page
To access the Profile page on, click the Account button in the upper right and in the dropdown click Profile. On this page, you can update the traditional fields of Display Name, contact email, phone and password.
We have also added the Personalized Page section on this same page for Trainers to create their own Personal Profile Page at where XXXXXX is whatever the trainer chooses. This page is helpful to share with potential or existing clients. On this page, trainers can decide what information to share: services offered, country, zip (to help when clients are searching their area for trainers), General Information, Specialties, and certifications. All of these fields are optional and the site saves data as you enter it.
The data entered here can also be shared with current clients in our iOS app and Android app if the client goes to the “My Trainer” menu item.

Settings Page
The “Settings” Page can also be accessed underneath the Account tab. On the settings page, Trainers can set their Automated Email settings for both themselves and their clients. They can set their client permissions as well. They can also Update Payment information and change / cancel their accounts.
This page also automatically saves changes – no need to hit a save button.

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