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Personal Trainer Workout Tracker Improvements

Personal Trainer Workout Tracker Improvements

We recently made updates to our personal trainer workout tracker that enable trainers and clients to classify workouts as “Complete”, “Not Met”, and “Open”.  This also works for Diets and Tasks but in the post we will discuss mostly how it applies to workouts.  These new update are available on iOS, Android and on our website.

Personal Trainer Workout Tracker Improvements Example
In our mobile apps, users can swipe left to classify a Workout, Diet or Task as Complete, Note Met, or Incomplete / Open.

Tracking Workout Completion at

To mark a Workout as “Complete” on the website, go to the specific users Workout page.  In the “Status” column you will see either a red square, green check mark, or orange “X”.  By clicking these, personal trainers and their clients can change the workouts Status to Open, Complete or Not Met.

Personal Trainer Workout Tracker Improvements Website
Click the 1st icon in the Status column of the workout list to change the status of the workout.

If you have email notifications turned on, trainers can be notified of workout completions or other status updates.  Trainers and clients can also click the word “Status” at the top of the Status column in order to sort Workouts by their status.

Tracking Workout Completion in our iOS and Android Apps

In our mobile apps, trainers or clients can swipe any workout in their workout list to the left and the app will display options like “Complete”, “Not Met”, etc depending upon which tab the user is on.  We have also added a “Not Met” tab in addition to the “Open” and “Complete” tabs we had before.  Now, users can see which workouts have been classified as Not Met.

Personal Trainer Workout Tracker Improvements Additional Tab
We have added a “Not Met” tab. Users can swipe any event to the left and choose how to classify the workout.

New Status Buttons on Workout Details Screen

We have also added “Complete” and “Not Met” buttons to the Workout Details screens as well.  Trainer and Clients will find this at the bottom of the Workout Details page so that they can mark the workout complete right there on the screen they were following along with.

Personal Trainer Workout Tracker Improvements Workout Details Page
At the bottom of the Workout Details Page, users can mark a workout as Complete or Not Met.

After the user clicks Complete or Not Met, the Workout is moved to the Complete or Not Met tab.  All the above features work the same on Workouts, Diets and Tasks so give them a shot and let us know what you think.

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