Personal Training Client Workout, Diet, Task Dashboard
Personal Training Clients Workout, Diet, Task Dashboard
We completely revamped the first page trainers see when they login to – the Client List page. We have transformed it into a dashboard where personal trainers and fitness coaches can quickly and easily get a summary view of how their clients are doing. This personal training client workout, diet, and task dashboard provides summary statistics on each client. Here is what this new view looks like:

Quickly Understand Your Personal Training Client’s Success
As seen above the Workouts, Tasks, and Diets buttons have been replaced by data to summarize how well your clients are adhering to the plans you give them. If we look at these columns closer here is what we will see:

For Workouts, this particular client has Completed 78% of what his trainer assigned him. The data shows the actual number completed in parenthesis (74). 3% of his workouts were marked as Not Met, and he has 19% that are classified as Open. The green bar corresponds to the percentage complete, orange corresponds to Not Met, and grey to the percentage of workouts that are open. Similarly, trainers should read Tasks and Diet Data the same way.
This new dashboard helps trainers understand all this information with just a glance so that they can quickly identify how to respond to how their clients are doing.
Dialing in On the Results and Creating New Workouts
Fitness Coaches and Trainers can then quickly go to the specific clients Workout list by just clicking on that summary data. In the specific client’s Workout List, trainers can Add / Edit and Delete workouts just like before. Same goes for Tasks and Diets.
Other Client List page Updates
In addition to the Personal Training Client Workout, Diet, Task Dashboard updates mentioned above, we also made the following changes:
- Moved Delete button out to underneath the Clients name instead of in its own column.
- Updated the Messages button to an icon next to the clients name.
- Created a separate Progress Column where trainers can choose to view Progress Graphs or Progress Pictures of a specific client.
Stay tuned for future changes. We will be adding the Personal Training Client Workout, Diet, Task Dashboard graphs mentioned above to our iOS app and Android app very soon.
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