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Fitness Software Features

Personal Training Studio Management in Mobile App

Personal training studio management is a key component of FitSW software. Studio managers have been able to manage all of their trainers, clients, and settings at for while now. Managers can add new personal trainer accounts edit trainer accounts, view all clients in the gym. Studio Managers can even view or edit which client is assigned to which personal trainer or fitness coach. Gym Managers can even login as a specific trainer from their trainer dashboard. They can see everything the trainer sees including workout, progress, and goal data for the trainers clients.

Personal Training Studio Management Mobile App Web Screen
Website View of a Studio / Gym account. Studio managers can add / edit / view all trainer accounts. They can even login as a specific trainer directly from this dashboard to view specific client information managed by that trainer.

Recently we also added the Personal Training Studio Management capabilities to both our iOS App and Android App. When logging in with a Studio Manager account, users will see different screens than if logged in as a trainer. We will describe these Gym and Studio Manager features below.

Adding, Editing, and Viewing Personal Trainers

The first tab Studio Managers will see is the “Trainers” tab. In this tab studio managers can add new trainers or delete old ones. Managers can also edit or view all personal trainers or fitness coaches associated with their account. The manager can tap on a trainer to pull up more details on that trainer. From that screen they can contact the trainer or change their account login. They can even do things like add details on trainer specialties or certifications.

Personal Training Studio Management Mobile App Trainer List Screen
The Trainers tab lets you Add New trainers, edit or view existing trainers and more.

Managing Clients as a Personal Training Studio

The next tab over is the “Clients” tab. This tab lets you view all clients that are members of your studio or gym. Gym Managers can also see the assigned personal trainer or fitness coach for each client. Tapping on a client lets the studio manager update client information including their assigned trainer.

Personal Training Studio Management Mobile App Client List
Studio Account can view and edit all clients that belong to their gym in the “Clients” screen. They can also change the trainer each client is assigned to.

Managing Default Assessments Assigned to All Clients

Gym and Studio Manager accounts also include an assessment screen in the mobile app. This is particularly useful if a studio has standard Assessments that they measure for all their clients. Rather than each trainer entering these particular Assessments, the app automatically adds the default list to all new studio trainers. So if a studio had 30 different Assessments they measure for all clients, they could enter these one time here. Every new studio trainer will automatically have this list of Assessments rather than having to enter it themselves.

Personal Training Studio Management Mobile App Assessment LIst
Gym and Studio accounts can define default assessments that will automatically be put into a trainer’s assessment list. This way, the trainer doesn’t have to enter it themselves.

Above are just a few of the key features that make Personal Training Studio Management easy in the FitSW app. Studio and Gym accounts also have access to several of our standard screens like the Timer, Profile, Financials, Account, etc.

2 thoughts on “Personal Training Studio Management in Mobile App

  • Its good to know that there’s an app where studio managers can edit which client is assigned to which personal trainer. I work for my brother who is a studio manager and he’s always is wishing that he had something easier to manage his clients. I’ll be sure to let him know about the apps that can make the gym and managing people easier.

    • I’m glad to hear that this feature has served both you and your brother! If you want to see any other features added to FitSW, do not hesitate to reach out! We are always looking to add new features to our software. Thank you for reaching out!


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