How To Logout Of Your Account (Android) To log out of your account, click the “hamburger icon,” scroll down until you see Logout, and click it.
How To Add New Food To Food List (Android) To begin, start by clicking the “hamburger icon,” slide down to Food List, and click it. In the bottom right...
How To Create Filters for Programs (Android) Need to ask screening questions before letting clients sign up for programs? We’ve got you covered! Creating programs on Android...
How To View Progress Graphs & Tables (Android) as a Trainer Want to check your clients’ progress? This is article is just for you! To view your personal training client’s progress...
How to Create a Simplified Nutrition Plan (Android) This article will show you how to create a simplified nutrition plan for clients on an Android device. In the Android app,...
How To View Your Progress Photos (Android) Progress photos are a great way to see how much progress has been made since you or your clients started...
How To Change Your Clients Password (Android) Navigate to your Client List in the app. To change the password of your client, first press your client’s information....
Forgot Your Password / Can’t Log In To Account (Android) as a Client If you forgot your password, don’t fret! If you have forgotten your password and cannot log into your account, click...
How To Pay Your Trainer (Android) To pay your personal trainer, click the “hamburger icon,” and click Payments. If your trainer has a premium membership with...
How To Request An Appointment With Your Trainer (Android) You can request an appointment with your personal trainer at any time! Once they accept it, you’ll be scheduled to...