Wanna give your client(s) some more burpees? This article will walk you through creating and adding workouts to client profiles.
To start, make sure you are on the client list.
There are many ways you can build a workout in FitSW. The first one we will go over is building a workout in a client-specific workout list.
Building a workout in a client-specific list.
Step 1. To go to a client-specific workout list, click on “Workouts” in any client row.
![[client list] workout column and buttons highlighted-01](https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7084611/%5Bclient%20list%5D%20workout%20column%20and%20buttons%20highlighted-01.jpg)
Step 2. Once on the client-specific list, click on “Add Workout” on the right side of the screen.
![[client specific workout list] add workout button highlighted-01](https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7084611/%5Bclient%20specific%20workout%20list%5D%20add%20workout%20button%20highlighted-01.jpg)
Step 3. Once you click on the “Add Workout” button the workout builder will open. The workout builder is divided into three main sections:
- The General section is where you give the workout a name, a date, and include any notes as needed.
- The Exercises section is where you build the actual workout.
- The Additional section is where you can set the workout on a recurring schedule, assign the workout to any additional clients, and add the workout to your schedule if needed.
Step 4. We will start off in the General section. Give your workout a name and choose a date for your workout to occur and then add any notes you feel are necessary.
![[workout builder] general section-01](https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7084611/%5Bworkout%20builder%5D%20general%20section-01.jpg)
Note: you do not have to include a date. However, you will get a warning message when you go to publish the workout that looks like this:
![[warning message] no date selected for workout-01](https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7084611/%5Bwarning%20message%5D%20no%20date%20selected%20for%20workout-01.jpg)
Step 5. Once finished with the General section, move on to the Exercises section. To add an exercise, click on the row that says “select an exercise…”.
![[workout builder] select an exercise button highlighted-01](https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7084611/%5Bworkout%20builder%5D%20select%20an%20exercise%20button%20highlighted-01.jpg)
Step 6. In the popup menu, search for your exercise by name, muscle group it targets, experience level, and/or equipment needed.
![[select an exercise] filter options highlighted-01](https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7084611/%5Bselect%20an%20exercise%5D%20filter%20options%20highlighted-01.jpg)
Step 7. Once you have found your exercise, you can simply click on it to add it to your workout.
Step 8. Once your exercise has populated, input your sets, reps, weight, rest, and total time.
![[workout builder] exercise with example data-01](https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7084611/%5Bworkout%20builder%5D%20exercise%20with%20example%20data-01.jpg)
- Sets – must a single whole number (i.e. 3)
- Reps – can be a comma-separated list of whole numbers to indicate different a different number of reps per set.
- For example, if you have 3 sets and you input “10,12,14” as your reps, the following will be assigned to the client: Sets Reps Weight Set 1 10 Set 2 12 Set 3 14
- Weight – just like reps can be a comma-separated list of whole or decimal numbers.
- For example, if you have 3 sets and you input “10,12,14” as your reps and “155,145,135” as your weights, the following will be assigned to the client: Sets Reps Weight Set 1 10 155 Set 2 12 145 Set 3 14 135
- Rest – simply enter the amount of time you’d like your client to rest after each set (i.e. 1 min).
- Time – the amount of time all sets should take for the specific exercise (i.e. 5 min).
Step 9. Input any notes you feel are necessary for the specific exercise.
Step 10. To add additional exercise click on “Add Exercise” in the top right of the Exercises section.
![[Workout builder] add exercise button highlighted-01](https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7084611/%5BWorkout%20builder%5D%20add%20exercise%20button%20highlighted-01.jpg)
Step 11. Follow the same process we have gone over for each exercise.
Note: Once you have more than one exercise added, you can create a superset. To do so, click on “Superset” at the top right.
![[workout builder] superset button highlighted-01](https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7084611/%5Bworkout%20builder%5D%20superset%20button%20highlighted-01.jpg)
Next, check the boxes next to the exercises you wish to group in the superset.
![[workout builder] superset checkboxes-01](https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7084611/%5Bworkout%20builder%5D%20superset%20checkboxes-01.jpg)
Once you have the exercise selected that you want to group, select “Superset Selected” and your superset will be created.
Notes on demo videos, exercise progress, and the %RM calculator.
You may have noticed the icons on the right side of each exercise.
- The clock icon is the client’s history with the exercise. Clicking on it will open a new window in your browser with data on the client’s past with the exercise.
- The camera icon is the demo video for the exercise. If no camera icon appears, then there is currently no demo video for the exercise.
- The eye icon is the quick GIF preview. Hovering over it will show a GIF preview of the exercise.
- The calculator icon is the Percent Rep Max calculator. Clicking on it will open the calculator where you can calculate weights for exercises based on percentages of one-rep maxes. The calculator pulls one-rep maxes from the client’s metrics. Here are helpful articles on the %RM calculator:
Step 12. Scroll down to the Additional section. Here you are able to define whether or not the workout should repeat, assign the workout to multiple clients, and add the workout to your schedule.
Note: Once additional clients are chosen, the “add to schedule option goes away.
Additional help: How to define recurring events.
Step 13. Once you have finished everything in the Additional section, you can publish the workout.
Building a Workout from the All Workouts List
Building a workout from the All workouts list follows the same process as above, however, just from the All Workouts list.
To do so, go to the client list. Then click on “Quick Links” and then “Workouts” under “All”.
Once on the All Workouts list, click “Add Workout” and then choose the client you wish to assign a workout to.
Building a Workout from Your Favorite Workouts List
Building a workout from your Favorites list follows the same process as above. However, instead of selecting “Workouts” under “All”, select “Workouts” under “Favorites” in your Quick Links menu.
The only difference when building a workout in the Favorites list is there is no “Additional” section in the workout builder.
To assign a workout to someone from the Favorites workout builder, build the workout and publish it, and then copy and paste it from the Favorites list.