• How To View Client’s Progress Graphs (Web)

    Want to see how far a client has come? Here’s how to view their progress as easy-to-read graphs. Important note:  If you have not assigned en exercise within a workout and recorded the results more than twice, then no data will populate in the progress graph. Client Progress Graphs There…

  • Everything you need to know about client compliance (Web).

    Measuring client compliance is a great tool for understanding how engaged your clients are. In this article, we look at how to do exactly that in FitSW. What is Client Compliance? Client compliance is how well your clients are adhering to the programs you have delivered to them. A low…

  • How to create custom client metrics (Web)?

    Do you need to create a trackable metric for a client’s progress (i.g. BMI, water intake, etc…)? If yes, then this article is for you! About Custom Metrics Custom metrics are a powerful way to track non-exercise-related progress data. FitSW automatically tracks client progress on exercises that you assign them…

  • How to View/Add Tasks For Your Clients (Web)

    Need an existing client to upload progress pics? This guide will show you how to assign tasks to clients. From the Client List page, click on the blue Tasks button in the middle column of your screen. (See image below.) The Tasks / Goals is where you can view all of the tasks that either you…

  • How to Add / View Your Clients Nutrition Plans (Web)

    Tips on viewing/adding meals you or your clients have added to their accounts in the FitSW platform. From the Client List page, click on the blue Nutrition text in the large right column on your screen. (See image below.) This is where you can view all of the diets that you (the trainer)…

  • How To Add To / View Your Clients Progress Pictures (Web)

    This is the guide that shows you how you can upload or view all of your client’s progress photos! From the Client List page, click on the Pictures button in the far right column on your screen. (See image below.) You will be redirected and able to view all of your client’s photos that…

  • How To View/Add Tasks For Your Clients (iOS)

    You can easily view, add, edit, and delete tasks for your clients! To add / view tasks for your clients, first start out by clicking the Tasks button on the bottom bar of your screen. (See image below.) Next, click on the client that you would like to either add or edit tasks…

  • How To Add To / View Your Clients Nutrition (iOS)

    You can easily view, add, edit, or remove your client’s nutrition plans in a matter of seconds! To add to/ view your clients’ nutrition, start by clicking the More button in the bottom right corner of your screen. (See image below.) Once you are on the More page, click the Nutrition button. (See image below.)…

  • How To Reuse Old Workouts To Create New Ones In The Future. (whoa)

    Want to use the exact or a similar workout to one you’ve already created for a future workout? Here’s how you can use old workouts as a template for new ones. Navigate to the Workouts tab on the app. Click on the client that has the workout you would like to…