Both personal trainers and clients can get notified of their events via email with FitSW!
To update your payment information, you must start out by clicking the “hamburger icon” in the left corner of your screen; then slide down until you see Settings, and click it.
You will now be on the Settings screen, which will have two different categories where you can turn on Client & Trainer Automated Email Reminders. The first category is titled Auto-Email Clients when and will have several different sections to choose from. The personal trainer can decide to turn auto-email on when workouts are updated, diets are updated, tasks are updated, the schedule is updated, or new messages (from the trainer) have been sent. The personal trainer can also receive emails from their clients whenever workouts are completed, diets are completed, tasks are completed, or they have received a new message from a client. These categories are up to the trainer regarding whether they want to turn them on.